Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wanted: Natural Residents

Part1:- Summary

The article is about a green project in Western Harbour, Malmo in Sweden. The place contains bats, birds and insects. The 1300 new apartments were designed from the outset to showcase "green" innovations in waste management, renewable energy and sustainable transport and promoted biodiversity.

10 “green features” from 35 were chosen by each developer to include in their designs as stated by Area Ecologist Annika Kruuse. Many species and birds have already moved in to the Western Harbour. The aim of the developer is to market properties according to green criteria, which is very encouraging.

There is an ecological play school for children nearby, which serves organic food. The hope is that by the time this new generation of children comes of age, they will expect and demand to live in houses designed to promote sustainability and biodiversity. Developers are being asked to install rooftop wind turbines and follow even more stringent rules for encouraging biodiversity.

The first phase of the project is now complete and phases two and three will follow.

Part2:- Maine Ideas

In Wanted: Natural Residents article many point has outlined by the author. First he talked about a new kind of high-rise development called the Turning Torso in Malmo, Sweden for people and some kinds of animals and bugs. There are 1300 apartments were designed. He mentioned different reasons why this project was excellent and why they are continuing with the next 2 phases. The aim of the developer is to motivate the importance of living sustainably and maintaining earth’s biodiversity. He uses the comments of people who live in phase 1 like Martin Rugfelt as examples. He outlined some things that people always look forward to it when they want to stay in this type of area and how it is suitable for some animals to live there.

Part3:- opinion

The content of the article is very useful especially at this time. And the government must play a role in this subject in order to reduce the green house gases continuously.

It is very good that the cities are developing green projects as these are good for the environment.

Prs of Global Warming

Presentation 1

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Problem & Solution

Global warming has become a big issue for governments, environmental agencies and the general public because of the huge effects that may lead to the destruction of our planet by negatively impacting the climate and the vital ecosystems of our precious earth (Lerner and Welmoth). The causes of global warming are numerous and day by day scientists are discovering that it’s true and we should face the reality of being threatened by these changes and act against them. This essay will focus on the causes of global warming and the possible solutions which may reduce it.

First, we should know what GW is. Global warming is an increase of temperature of the earth’s atmosphere which leads to huge changes in temperature and in related ecosystems (Lerner and Welmoth). Human activities during the last 150 years have caused the climate to change due to the industrial revolution and the burning of fossil fuels. The main cause of GW is greenhouse gases which are emitted by industrial plants, modern transportation, buildings and many more factors. GHG is kept in our atmosphere, and makes a layer that then sends back the warm energy of the earth and doesn’t let it pass into outer space. This warm energy radiation increases the temperature of the earth’s surface and causes the climate changes. The main component of GHG is carbon dioxide, which is emitted from the sources I mentioned above. The EIA estimated in 2007 that the emission of CO2 from fossil fuels combustion will reach 27 billion tons by the year 2010(Nagel, 2009). Governments that don’t join environmental protocols are also a big threat to our earth because they know that they are damaging the environment but they are forced by their industrial sector heads to increasingly develop their economies and obviously make more money.

There are many solutions for GW that can reduce its damaging effects. First, renewable energy resources such as solar energy, wind and natural water resources, like rivers and streams, can produce energy and are able to replace fossil fuels. By using these renewable energies together they will provide any country with five times more electricity than it needs (UCSUSA, 2009). Second, vehicles like cars and trucks are contributing to emissions of CO2 and the amount depends on the miles travelled and the volume of fuel used. So the solution to this problem is to decrease the fuel consumed, by increasing the efficiency of the engines, or by using hybrid cars that don’t use fossil fuels so much. Furthermore, changing people’s style of life is a major solution. They can reduce their electricity consumption by concentrating mainly on their basic needs. People should also reduce their waste and use goods that can be recycled. Finally, governments should take their environmental issues seriously and implement policies to protect the environment from industrial monsters that emit poisons into our air and waste into our water. They should join environmental protocols and try to stick to them.

To sum up, our planet is warming, and we as individuals and governments are helping to make it happen. Everyone should play his part to protect our earth and ensure our future. In my opinion, the most effective way to save our planet is to act immediately by starting with ourselves and trying to convince our governments to act too, before it is too late.


Freedman, Bill. "Global warming." Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale Group, 2008.
Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Higher Colleges of Technology. 17 May. 2009.

Greenhouse effect." UXL Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. Rob Nagel. 2nd ed. Detroit: U*X*L, 2007. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Higher Colleges of Technology. 17 May. 2009.

"Global Warming Solutions." Union of Concerned Scientists 11/01/04 Web.17 May 2009. .

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cool City

Since the 18th century, the start of the industrial revolution, the mechanized production and modern economic development has seen a huge growth which on the other hand also caused enormous environmental problems to the entire world. Problems such as global warming, the rise in temperature, the rise in the population, pollution, and an increase of CO2 will have dramatic effect on our life style and on the earth.

It is a must that we need to reduce at least 50% of Carbon Dioxide emitted into the air. Japan hopes to slash greenhouse gas emissions and fight global warming with a revolutionary plan to pump carbon dioxide into underground storage reservoirs instead of releasing it into the atmosphere. SDCJ, a Japanese based company is developing a Cool City. It is an environmental green city because in this city, people would use hybrid cars, energy efficient buildings, and renewable energy which makes the city environmentally friendlier. There are various zones in the city such as, Business and Public zone, Residential zone, Culture and sports zone and Resort zone.

In addition, there are other ways to reduce heat in the cities such as planting a lot of trees, water ways and green roofs for the houses. As it is shown in the movie, there are two types of building that help to reduce CO2. The eco-towers which reduce 50% and the eco-residences which reduce 30 %.

In conclusion, all what we need to do is a small effort and coordination between Governments and among the individuals to change our way of living. This will have a huge impact on the reduction of CO2 and save our earth from been polluted. The UAE has made a good example by coordination with SDCJ the Japanese consortium to promote a "Cool City" in Dubai, a sustainable neighborhood project based on the principles of eco-friendly infrastructure and energy consumption.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How Europe can save the world


The EU has committed to reduce the CO2 emission level 20% by 2020 compared to level in 1990.They start to put more weight in using renewable energy sources such as water (hydropower), solar, air, tidal power and biofuels. The production and use of renewable energy sources has also grown more quickly in recent years due to the EU attempt to decrease the reliance on Middle Eastern oil and Russian gas.
The EU agreed to come up with detailed action and set up several policies to fulfill this commitment. For examples; they immediately work to reduce CO2 emission from cars and by year 2010 every new power station in Europe will follow new regulations in terms of CO2 emission reduction.

The use of renewable energy sources is expected to continue to grow over the next years, while the EU will still rely on non-renewable fuels to meet most of their energy needs. The renewable energy sources are still expensive and can cause several environmental problems, which will present the EU with serious challenges. As an example for such as environmental problem, the mass biofuel farming in the Amazon could accelerate the destruction of the rain forest.

During December, a key meeting will be held by the UN to discuss a possible successor treaty for Kyoto.

Main Ideas

Many alternatives have been introduced in order to renew the energy sources.The EU introduced a lot of actions and policies to prevent the climate change. Furthermore, any new power station in Europe will co-operate with the new regulation. Awareness is expected to increase all over the world in the coming years.

My opinion

Well, although the article is promising to reducing the carbon emissions, I believe that all the countries will face difficulties to use the alternatives fuels or implement the regulations fully due to the current economical crises. Fossil fuel makes much more profits and each country wants to recover their loss. I would end by saying there is a big gap between the reality and the speeches.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Carbon footprint

I measured my carbon footprint at it was 3.61. The main factors which contributed to my figure were classified as:

a) travel

b) stuff

c) home

My individual carbon footprint is the greenhouse gases emissions that I personally am responsible for. However, companies, institutions, e.g. ADMC, and countries all have carbon footprints.

The UAE's carbon footprint per capita is the highest in the world.

What can I do to reduce my carbon footprint?

I don't spend a lot on consumer goods, or bathroom products.

Travel is the largest contributor to my carbon footprint but I'm not sure what I can do to make meaningful change. Admittedley, I drive a large petrol vehicle but I can't switch to the train here in Abu Dhabi because there aren't any. I could use the bus but I can't see that it would make much difference as my journey to work is only a few minutes. My car has been well serviced and I've had it for 12 years. I suspect it pollutes a lot less than most of the local buses I've seen, which also happen to be very dangerous in my experience.

With regard to food, my diet is extremely healthy and I can't see what I can do to improve it apart, presumably, according to the quiz, from becoming vegetarian. I play football every day, usually eat only twice daily during the week and so I don't over-consume food.

With regard to air travel, I often fly abroad three to four times a year between duties or tourism. At the moment I do my best in the short to reduce my travel.

And as for my home which already constructed with an equipment that’s help to reduce my carbon footprint domestically, I have loft insulation and double glazing etc... Apart from turning off appliances which I am doing already.

And finally, regarding diet, I eat in an extremely healthy way and I really can’t see what I can do to improve it, apart from, according to the quiz anyway, becoming vegan or vegetarian. Furthermore, I usually eat only once daily during the week and I don’t over-consume food.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reviews of 'An Inconvenient Truth'

A favorable review:

Brandon Fibbs,, agrees with Al Gore's opinion about the global warming that has passed the argument stage. Because the fact which scientists are agreed on is that the global warming is a result of different irresponsible activities of human beings. All the photos, charts and the scientific studies praised are believable. The rising levels of the ocean and the ice melting were shown by Al Gore to send us an alert of the danger we are swimming toward. The most freaking things were illustrated by Brandon. At the end he proves that the USA has made things worse and we should stop and work back to the old days.

An unfavorable review:

Scott Nash, , with a negative opinion says that Al Gore tried to play with people’s emotions by mentioning his son's car accident & his sister's death from lung cancer, in order to express his own life. Furthermore he explored his political ambitions, rather than about global warming by telling jokes in the movie at Bush & the Republicans. In the same review of Scott’s, Eric says that the photographs had been taken many years back in the winter and some others might be taken nowadays in summer.

If I would illustrate my opinion, I would say that Brandon in some points was right and I do agree with him. I strongly would agree with Al Gore about the causes of global warming. But I cannot besure that his intention was not political because he did raise political ambition. He also makes political points and ends by saying only political will can bring about change. Finally I would agree with Eric, because it makes a difference when you take the picture from the summer and winter.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth

Arctic meltdown

An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary which discusses a worldwide problem that is known as global warming presented by Al Gore in 2006 which took place in the United State plus other countries. The film illustrated the causes, effects and the risk that the world faced. There was also positive suggestions that help to solve the problem.

The purpose of Al Gore and his travels is to warn people about the severity of the climate crisis and intersperses Gore's exploration of data and predictions about climate change and its potential for disaster with Gore's life story. The film focused on the discussion of certain matters relating to the scientific opinion on climate change and discussed the politics and economics of global warming. The Arctic ice cap is melting so rapidly which may make it completely disappear by the end of the century due to greenhouse gases. If the ice melt continues then sea levels worldwide will go up to 20 feet. For illustration, big lands of Florida will be under water, 40 million homeless will be in Shangahi, 60 million in Calcuta in India, and the area of the world trade center will be under water as well. Furthermore, animals will be affected also.

More care has to be given to reduce the car usage, use more solar cells to generate big machines and encourage the usage of electricity generated from waterfalls.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blog Project: Task2

There are various images which are considered a result of an increase in the average temperature of the Earth caused by global warming which also seems to be an endless loop. What are some of the problems associated with global warming abuse, and what are some of the possible solutions?

It causes a gradual increase in the temperature of the lower layer near the surface of the Earth’s atmosphere to land. The reason for this rise is the increase in greenhouse gas emissions. It is certain that the amount of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere will go on rising and therefore the Earth’s surface temperature will continue increasing. This means the impact on the climate will become clear and the most important phenomena that will occur are for example, outbreaks of infectious diseases in the world, large parts of the ice caps will melt lead to a rise in sea level, causing flooding and a threat to the coastal cities and low-lying areas.

It seems to be that global warming is going to be a self-perpetuating problem, so all humanity should be involved in this issue in order to reduce the high temperatures before it is too late we need to address the cause of the rise and to take official action worldwide because the more heat-trapping gases in the world leads to a rise in temperature.

Blog Project: Task 2

There are various images which are considered a result of an increase in the average temperature of the Earth caused by global warming which also seems to be an endless loop. What are some of the problems associated with global warming abuse, and what are some of the possible solutions?

It causes a gradual increase in the temperature of the lower layer near the surface of the Earth's atmosphere to land. The reason for this rise is the increase in greenhouse gas emissions. It is certain that the amount of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere will go on rising and therefore the Earth's surface temperature will continue increasing. This means the impact on the climate will become clear and the most important phenomena that will occur are for example, outbreaks of infectious diseases in the world, large parts of the ice caps will melt and lead to rise in sea level, causing flooding and a threat to the coastal cities and low-lying areas.

it seems to be that global warming is going to be a self-perpetuating problem, so all humanity should be involved in this issue in order to reduce the high temperatures before it is too late we need to address the causes of the rise and to lake official action world wide because the more heat-trapping gases in the world leads to a rise in temperature.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blog Project: Task1

After my graduation from ADNOC TECHNICAL INSTITUTE with an engineering diploma in 2002, I joined Abu Dhabi GAS LIQEFACTION COMPANY LTD as a mechanical technician. I put all the effort into this job in order to gain professional experience. Then I was transferred to the store as store controller.

In August 2005, the same year, I got my back injured during work and went through medical treatment. And then the medical board decided that I was no longer fit to resume my duties in the same type of job.

In 2006, it was decided by the management to transfer me to the HR Dept. to be a Personnel Assistant. It did not take me long to adapt my entire career and life to the new development. I worked very hard and took a lot of courses related to the business administration in order to cope with the field I have been put in.

After my excellent potential in performing my job tasks, I have seen a new path which will lead me to a higher position as a Public Relation Officer. But first I had to get a BA certificate by joining the Higher College of Technology on 01/09/2007.

Currently I am studying Business Administration and progressing well. A few days back I got married and step by step I am walking towards my target.

The benefit of this blog is to assist the students in understanding global warming that threatens the world, additionally to develop the students ability to be a creative and critical thinker in order to solve this type of problem.