Thursday, May 28, 2009

Problem & Solution

Global warming has become a big issue for governments, environmental agencies and the general public because of the huge effects that may lead to the destruction of our planet by negatively impacting the climate and the vital ecosystems of our precious earth (Lerner and Welmoth). The causes of global warming are numerous and day by day scientists are discovering that it’s true and we should face the reality of being threatened by these changes and act against them. This essay will focus on the causes of global warming and the possible solutions which may reduce it.

First, we should know what GW is. Global warming is an increase of temperature of the earth’s atmosphere which leads to huge changes in temperature and in related ecosystems (Lerner and Welmoth). Human activities during the last 150 years have caused the climate to change due to the industrial revolution and the burning of fossil fuels. The main cause of GW is greenhouse gases which are emitted by industrial plants, modern transportation, buildings and many more factors. GHG is kept in our atmosphere, and makes a layer that then sends back the warm energy of the earth and doesn’t let it pass into outer space. This warm energy radiation increases the temperature of the earth’s surface and causes the climate changes. The main component of GHG is carbon dioxide, which is emitted from the sources I mentioned above. The EIA estimated in 2007 that the emission of CO2 from fossil fuels combustion will reach 27 billion tons by the year 2010(Nagel, 2009). Governments that don’t join environmental protocols are also a big threat to our earth because they know that they are damaging the environment but they are forced by their industrial sector heads to increasingly develop their economies and obviously make more money.

There are many solutions for GW that can reduce its damaging effects. First, renewable energy resources such as solar energy, wind and natural water resources, like rivers and streams, can produce energy and are able to replace fossil fuels. By using these renewable energies together they will provide any country with five times more electricity than it needs (UCSUSA, 2009). Second, vehicles like cars and trucks are contributing to emissions of CO2 and the amount depends on the miles travelled and the volume of fuel used. So the solution to this problem is to decrease the fuel consumed, by increasing the efficiency of the engines, or by using hybrid cars that don’t use fossil fuels so much. Furthermore, changing people’s style of life is a major solution. They can reduce their electricity consumption by concentrating mainly on their basic needs. People should also reduce their waste and use goods that can be recycled. Finally, governments should take their environmental issues seriously and implement policies to protect the environment from industrial monsters that emit poisons into our air and waste into our water. They should join environmental protocols and try to stick to them.

To sum up, our planet is warming, and we as individuals and governments are helping to make it happen. Everyone should play his part to protect our earth and ensure our future. In my opinion, the most effective way to save our planet is to act immediately by starting with ourselves and trying to convince our governments to act too, before it is too late.


Freedman, Bill. "Global warming." Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale Group, 2008.
Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Higher Colleges of Technology. 17 May. 2009.

Greenhouse effect." UXL Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. Rob Nagel. 2nd ed. Detroit: U*X*L, 2007. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Higher Colleges of Technology. 17 May. 2009.

"Global Warming Solutions." Union of Concerned Scientists 11/01/04 Web.17 May 2009. .

1 comment:

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    Adam Vohrer
    Vice President
    Citizens Committee for Restructured Government
