Sunday, March 29, 2009

Arctic meltdown

An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary which discusses a worldwide problem that is known as global warming presented by Al Gore in 2006 which took place in the United State plus other countries. The film illustrated the causes, effects and the risk that the world faced. There was also positive suggestions that help to solve the problem.

The purpose of Al Gore and his travels is to warn people about the severity of the climate crisis and intersperses Gore's exploration of data and predictions about climate change and its potential for disaster with Gore's life story. The film focused on the discussion of certain matters relating to the scientific opinion on climate change and discussed the politics and economics of global warming. The Arctic ice cap is melting so rapidly which may make it completely disappear by the end of the century due to greenhouse gases. If the ice melt continues then sea levels worldwide will go up to 20 feet. For illustration, big lands of Florida will be under water, 40 million homeless will be in Shangahi, 60 million in Calcuta in India, and the area of the world trade center will be under water as well. Furthermore, animals will be affected also.

More care has to be given to reduce the car usage, use more solar cells to generate big machines and encourage the usage of electricity generated from waterfalls.

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